Brokers love to sell this product.

Employers love to offer this plan.

Employees can’t believe Prosano Health Care Centers are $0.

Convenient. Affordable. Easy.

Whether you are a broker looking for the right solution for clients or an employer searching for the right solution for employees, BlueSignature Prosano, exclusively offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, offers everything they need.

Prosano Health Care Centers

Exclusive access to advanced primary care includes:

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Same- or next-day appointments on-site and virtually
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Chronic condition management, sick care, preventive and wellness care*
Behavioral health, on-site and virtual On-site laboratory services**
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Care guides to navigate referrals outside the Care Centers
$0 copays, no deductible and no hidden fees.
Access to after-hours care
* Wellness and preventive care for ages 5 and older.
**The Prosano Health team will draw and process basic primary care laboratory testing panels.

Includes Large PPO Network

Coverage extends beyond our Prosano Health Care Centers. Members have a broad PPO network, where they can see any provider they like, subject to deductibles and copays.
Click below to learn more about BlueSignature Prosano plans.

Managing member health just became easier.

Contact us today!